


My name is Marmar and I’m from Iran which is pronounced as” Eeran” not “Airan”. Probably most of you know where it is located but for those who do not know anything about Iran or cannot make a difference between Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia , etc. I have to say that it is located in Asia continent and in Middle East region. It is quite a large country and has a powerful historical background. Our language is Farsi or Persian but not Arabic. We have the same root, and almost same alphabet and hand writing but there are two different languages.  Many Peopled asked me what is a difference between Farsi and Persian? In real there is no difference. Iranian origin is from a nation which is called Pars( in English Persia) and the language was called Parsi ( in English Persian). When Muslim’s troop invaded Iran (almost 15 centuries ago) the official language turned to Arabic. There is   lack of 4 alphabets in Arabic compare to Parsi and one of them is “P” , so Arabs couldn’t say Parsi but Farsi. Then it remains in our language even when A great poet “ Ferdosi”  retrieve Parsi and it becomes Iranian official language not as pure as before but mix with Arabic words. But still we called It Farsi. Iran has a diverse climate and regions; there are both green regions with dense forests and huge deserts. It has several lakes rivers and a sea. You can find humid and dry, warm and cold, mountainous and flat regions in different part of the country. I myself are originally from north of Iran which is the most green part of Iran. My hometown is called Lahijan and it is located in Gilan Province.  Around 30 kilometer south of Caspian ( Khazar) Sea. My city is famous for its Tea fields. A unique characteristic of my hometown is that there is a mountain in the middle of the city. So you can imagine that where ever your eyes turn you can see tea bushes all around. But frankly speaking it is not exactly like this, due to constructions. Unfortunately city growths last 10years and people need accommodation so they ruined many tea bushes and construct many buildings instead.  Anyway, I will write more about my country and hometown later. Today that I’ve start blogging in English is the last Day of Solar calendar which is official calendar in Iran, It means tomorrow is Iranians new year eve which is Called “Nowrouz”. It is not only Iranian new year it is all those people who speaks Persian such as Afghans, Tajiks and even Kurds ( although their language is not Persian) . So I prefer to say it is Persian’s new year.  Tomorrow  I will write about the meaning of Nowrouz and its tradition.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new blog. Hope you have enough time to write here and other 143 blogs of yours :D
    P.s1: I had the same problem about teaching my friends how to pronounce "Iran" correctly. Finally i came to a simple solution for this problem. If you mix E-mail and Run, it will be like E-Run, no one can mispronounce it now, right?
    P.s2: God! It's hard to comment in English, It used to be a lot easier as i recall.
